
Choose Love

Choose Love

Choose LOVELove Heals and begins with your most important relationship…yourselfI am spending Valentines Day with me.  At times, this can be my most challenging relationship.  Sometimes, I can be my own worst enemy.  Sometimes, I let my fears sabotage my...


Why I like the AEIOUY: an exercise we are practicing in our Cultivating Joy Group. A – Abstinent.What is it that I need to let go of? For me, it’s the automatic negative thoughts. The beating myself up for not being perfect! E- Have I exercisedtoday? Oh my God, I have...

One more on ESSENCE….

I’ve heard that we teach that which we need to learn.  That is certainly true for me with both the Fall Food Demo classes and Let Your Yoga Dance.  Last night, I couldn’t sleep.  I woke up again to pain in my neck and instead of berating...