by Lisa Jackson | Oct 8, 2018 | #anticancer, #carpediemwell, #columbusdayclarity, #compassion, #happiness, #IFK, #Intermittentfasting, #prevention
This morning I woke up to my husband’s snoring at 3:45 am. I used to have a lot of insomnia. Now, not so much. When I do wake up before “I should”, I don’t panic. Instead, I practice looking at life with more curiosity and less fear. I ask...
by Lisa Jackson | Aug 19, 2018 | #corporatewellness, #dutchtest, #gimap, #hormone, #infertility, #kbmo, #newwellnessmodel, #nomorediabetes, #prevention, #spectracell, Autoimmune, coaching
Think of the advances we’ve enjoyed since Thomas Edison and the lightbulb. Let’s bring his wisdom home. I just got off the phone with a client who is concerned about fertility. Newly married, she wants to prepare herself for pregnancy. She’s learning that...