by Lisa Jackson | Oct 18, 2015 | Alternative Medicine, Carpe Diem Wellness, cleanse, coaching, Lifestyle, Recipes and Food
A pharmaceutical representative asked me what I was doing for breast cancer awareness month. She was wearing her Breast Cancer T shirt and had brought lunch in to the cancer clinic where I am working to build an Integrative wellness center. It caught me off guard...
by Lisa Jackson | Aug 24, 2015 | cleanse, healing from within, Healthy Recipes, Lifestyle, Savvy Secrets
Last week we discussed why lemon was beneficial to add to morning cup of warm water instead of the normal “cup of joe”. This week let’s talk about the benefits of Ginger. Ginger is also an anti-oxidant and an anti-inflammatory spice used for centuries to treat...
by Lisa Jackson | Aug 22, 2015 | cleanse, healing from within, Healthy Recipes, Lifestyle, Savvy Secrets
Last Week, we talked about the importance of water and starting your day off with a full glass at your bedside. Now I want to add another healthy habit to your morning routine and explain to you why this will benefit you.My nearly ninety year-young father in law...
by Lisa Jackson | May 8, 2015 | Alternative Medicine, cleanse, Diet, Healing, healing from within, healing Healthcare, Health and Wellness, Lifestyle, self care
TAKE A JOURNEY TOWARD YOUR OWN SELF-CARE, SELF-RELIANCE AND SELF-HEALTH.Some of you know that his past week my brother in law left this earth and widowed my twin sister to raise my two nephews on her own. The last two weeks were particularly stressful for me and...
by Lisa Jackson | Jan 2, 2015 | chakras, cleanse, coaching, dance
The best part of New Years Eve last night was that we had a marvelous dinner and celebration with friends and neighbors and everything that we served was part of my Kick-Start to Wellness Program! The dinner was very easy, satisfying and yummy. We had 15 minute...
by Lisa Jackson | Oct 10, 2014 | cleanse
Yes, it’s true…writing a book is like birthing a baby.First you are full of excitement, pride and bravado. The word virile comes to mind. Next comes all the fear and insecurity. Do I know enough? Will I be a good parent? Will the book be good enough? Can I...