
What is Functional Medicine?

Three things are missing from our current healthcare system. (Some call it a sick-care system). 1. A focus on nutrition. The typical advice is focused on fad diets and failure, not on long-term, sustainable change based on whole foods. 2. Health Coaching, which offers...

What Gets in Your Way?

While swimming this morning, I realized that it took me nearly 50 years to really prioritize my health. 1. It took a daughter with a scary cancer diagnosis. 2. It took my blood pressure to soar to new heights (heights that put me at risk for stroke and cardiovascular...

Let’s Chat about Stress

What are the top stressors in your life? Your job? Your health? Your mom duties? All of them? Reply to this email and let me know so I can address them in my free talk on stress resiliency. I can’t remove the stresses of life, but I can help you figure out how to...