Why Change? Because Your Life Depends on IT

April 6, 2023

Lisa Jackson


The only thing constant is change. So why not embrace this?

Somehow we’ve told ourselves that change is hard and that change takes a long time. This is a myth. Change only takes an instant to decide.

Robert Downey Jr. was introduced to drugs by his father at the age of 6 years old. He stated, “When my dad and I would do drugs together, it was like him trying to express his love for me in the only way he knew how.” After years of substance abuse, and its associated consequences including more time in prison, he said on the Oprah Winfrey show,

“I said, ‘You know what? I don’t think I can continue doing this.’ And I reached out for help, and I ran with it. You can reach out for help in kind of a half-assed way and you’ll get it and you won’t take advantage of it. It’s not that difficult to overcome these seemingly ghastly problems … what’s hard is to decide to do it.”

Making a commitment to change is the first and vital step in any transformation.  Our experience of change is dependent on how we choose to think and react to it.

Will you choose to react to change out of fear or curiosity?

The antidote to fear is faith. Change takes faith. Faith in the possibility of a better future. What is possible if you choose to change? Can you believe in the possibility for change?

Change takes courage. Courage to move out of the seemingly comfort zone (some might say mind numbing zone) of the known into the unknown. Courage to act and to be different.

Again, this takes faith. 

Last but not least, I believe it takes forgiveness. Forgiving yourself and others. 

Feeling depressed, anxious, or restless? Could this be a signal for much needed change? You can stay stuck in the comfort zone and do nothing, or you can dig deep and make a conscious decision to change. 

All growth happens just outside your comfort zone. You can stay in the warm water of the frog from my last blogpost and be boiled (bored?) to death, or you can take the leap towards the life of your wildest dreams.

I quoted the Dalai Lama in my book, Savvy Secrets, Eat, Think & Thrive: 
Seven Steps to Optimal Health:

So why change? Because your life depends on it. 

Carpe Diem!

Lisa Jackson