What We Choose Matters

November 23, 2022

Lisa Jackson


What We Choose Matters

Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate the fruits of the summer harvest and to practice gratitude.

Both are essential for well-being and to make it through the winter and through harsh times.

Practice gratitude for our free will to choose.

1. To choose our thoughts and emotions

2. To choose how we react to life’s stressors

3. To choose what we put on and in our bodies

4. To choose what we say to others.

5. To choose to hold on to past pain, disappointment, and wounds

6. To choose whether to forgive ourselves and others for saying and doing stupid things.

I know that I am certainly guilty of saying and doing stupid things.

Our relationships are our best teachers. As children, we learn lessons and imprinting from our families. Family gatherings can sometimes be stressful with long histories of shortcomings.

Never before in my life have I witnessed such divisiveness amongst families over political, religious, or medical opinions. Over beliefs and dogmatic thoughts and behaviors. The more passionate we are about a subject, the more challenging it becomes.

The advantage of living 6 decades is that we witness how nothing in life is as black and white as our (amygdala stressed out) brain’s perception.

A mentor once said to me, “Would you rather be right or happy?”

My “truth” and perception may not be yours and vice versa. Too much passion and too much fire can quickly burn us out. As can holding on to past wounds and anger.

One thing that seems to be missing is unconditional love. Media hype can allow us to forget this. Don’t let fear make us lose sight of what is really important. We all make mistakes, and we all have flaws and shortcomings, but deep down, love heals.

When you are healthy and strong, you may then lead by example. That is the only way we will see positive change and the transformational growth that we are capable of.

So this Thanksgiving and holiday season, I wish you love, compassion, and forgiveness. Not because others deserve to be forgiven. Not because what they did was OK. Forgiveness because you deserve peace and well-being.

I am grateful for the opportunity to support you.

With Love,

Lisa Jackson