I just completed my 500 hr yoga certification with Beloved Yoga Studio, which is kinda a big deal. It was a big commitment which forced me to really practice what I preach and allowed me to further study the depth of yogic philosophy. It begins with the Yamas and the Niyamas which are external and internal disciplines. I believe these are good rules to live by if you want optimal health and wellness.
Last month I wrote about the first Rule to Live By. Here’s # 2. The second Yama is called Satya and it’s translation is truthfulness.
As a coach, a teacher and a guide, I will provide a mirror for your self-discovery and, with your permission; pledge to gently remind you when you are exhibiting self-sabotage.
The first step of my Seven Steps to Optimal Health from my book Savvy Secrets: Eat, Think and Thrive, is to take an honest personal assessment. Working with a coach and practicing the therapeutic tools of yoga, give you the opportunity to leave your masks at the door to discover the truth of who you really are. Here are some questions to explore:
Do you always speak your truth, in a way that does no harm?
Do you sometimes say yes when you want to scream no?
What is your biggest obstacle or challenge? How have you tried to overcome this challenge and what has and has not worked? How will you feel when you’ve overcome this challenge or obstacle?
When self-limiting behaviors and automatic negative thoughts rear their ugly head, I will offer the question, “Is this really true? Are you sure? Are you 100% true? If the answer is no, is there another, more loving option to view this situation?
Being true to your self takes courage. To practice Satya or truthfulness means taking full responsibility for your life and actions:

How will you practice Satya or truthfulness? If you are not 100% satisfied with your life as it right now, consider working with a coach or a mentor and engaging some of these timeless rules to live by.
Feel free to call me for a 20 minute get acquainted call to see if we are a good fit for each other for coaching or private yoga sessions.
Carpe Diem,
Lisa is an author, inspirational speaker, and coach with a mission to inspire and empower others to feel their best at any age. Her book, Savvy Secrets: Eat, Think & Thrive outlines seven steps that are fun and transforming. Lisa is part of the New Self Health Movement, the International Health Coach Association and the Wellness Inspired Network. When she is not coaching, speaking or writing, you can find her practicing yoga and joyfully sharing Carpe Diem Dance at every opportunity.