Individual Health Coaching

Would you like more energy, peace and joy?

Would you like to find your optimal health and weight?

Are you confused about what’s healthy and what’s not? Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired?

Do you give so much of yourself to your family friends and career that you forget that your most important relationship is with YOU?

Do you know what you need to do but need a loving and supportive guide to lead you across the river that divides you from where you are to where you want to go?


Optimal Health Should Not be a Secret!

I can help you to feel and  look your best at any age


Coaching offers the opportunity to break down overwhelming challenges and goals into small incremental changes over a period of time to create lifelong healthy habits.

You will learn how easy it is to make life affirming choices without diets and without deprivation. The process must be fun, simple and empowering or you will not stick with it! Having a coach to guide you and keep you focused is key to learning personal accountability and empowerment and ultimately to obtaining more ease, joy and peace in your life.

Become the change you want to see in the world and witness the ripple effect. If you want peace you need to create more peace.  If you want more joy, then you need to create more joy.  If you want to eliminate dis-ease your need to create more ease.

My clients are intelligent and high achieving individuals, but NOT Superwoman or Superman.

You were not meant to be on this earth alone and if you could have met your goals by now by you would have.

Rediscover how good it feels to ask and receive  the right kind of support to meet your wellness goals.