Self Care During the Holidays
December 9, 2018
Lisa Jackson
But this decision didn’t come easily. It felt sacrilegious and selfish. I felt guilty at the idea of missing out on quality time with my quickly growing grandchildren. But one thing I’ve learned is the more we give, the more self care we need. You cannot give from an empty bucket and my bucket was close to empty.
So we chose Cancun.
Each day my daughters sent messages of what I was missing: Zydeco dancing with a live band! Making mini snowmen with my grandson! Hiking, cooking together, holiday music! This was a lot to miss.
But by choosing to miss out on these beautiful family memories, I was able to take the time for myself to recharge. To bask in the sun and do yoga on the beach. To reconnect with my husband, I even did a little Christmas shopping online. Now refreshed, I can truly enjoy the holidays without the stress and migraines I routinely had this time of the year.
By choosing my own self care, I am now ready to fully engage and be present with my family this Christmas and New Year’s. By showing up for myself and honoring my own needs, I can now show up for everyone else.
How are you showing up for yourself this holiday season? What small acts of self care can you give yourself?
For more self care, come see me Wednesday mornings at the Rise Well-Being Center, or stay tuned and plan to join us for our newest Intermittent Fasting Kickstart in January.
Carpe Diem and Happy Holidays!
With Love & Gratitude,