Resources & Upcoming Events-Please mark your calendars
May 4, 2018
Lisa Jackson
#belovedyoga|#cancercures #yogadance #NSHM|#deannawon|#loveyourbabyday|#lybd|#neckback&beyond|#risewellbeingcenter|#summersolstice|
Starting today, there are many opportunities to improve your health. Today through Monday is the bi-annual Thermography Clinic for women in Northern Virginia @ Neck Back & Beyond in Fairfax, Va.
If you are not familiar with Thermography you can still purchase a video and read about it from the Women’s Health Summit library that aired last fall.
Tuesday, May 8th from 12-1pm, I will be giving a free lunch (yes there is such a thing!) at Rise Wellbeing Center and a discussion on Why All Health Begins in the Gut. If you or a loved one have had a diagnosis of IBS then you will want to attend. You may be surprised how every other diagnosis can be linked back to gut health as well. All month you can come to one of my classes for just $10 drop in Wednesday mornings @ Rise Wellbeing Center
Thursday, May 10th, Deanna Won will be giving a free lecture on 8 Steps to Healing Cancer.
May 12th is Love Your Baby Day @ Beloved Yoga Studio
from 2-5pm. I will not be able to attend but will have literature on testing to ensure you have the necessary nutrition to get pregnant and maintain a healthy pregnancy. Tears came to my eyes when I recently received a text message from a client struggling with infertility that read, “I’m pregnant!” She had identified food sensitivities, nutrient insufficiencies and gut issues and lowered her stress. Healthy mothers make healthy babies!
June 15th and 16th I’ll be joining Woven Green at the Summer Solstice Soul Shine Festival for camping, organic food, music and yoga. These are a few of my favorite things! Bring the whole family for wholesome fun.
Last but not least, join us on Fathers Day, June 17th for Love Your Body Day @ Reston Town Center. I’ll be sharing a booth with members from my Wellness Inspired Network group. Marge Kalfon of PT by Marge and Dr. Susan Brady of Nurtured Bones. Come see so many ways to nourish and heal from within!
Carpe Diem,
About Lisa Jackson, RN, CHC, RYT-500, AFMC