Own Your Cancer or Own Your Life
December 18, 2016
Lisa Jackson
You can own your cancer or you can own your life…your choice.
This sentence strikes hard for me. As I’ve been immersed in cancer the last several years, both personally and professionally, there is one thing I’ve noticed. Those that refuse to own their diagnosis, heal.
You are not your diagnosis. You are not whatever label family or society may give you. You are your own unique self and you are far more powerful than your family, society or doctor will let on.
You have the power to heal from within.
The power of your mind is profound. The power on your plate is profound.
According to Dr Kelly Turner, after radically changing your diet, the #2 most powerful common trait amongst those who’ve achieved Radical Remissions is taking control of your health. She describes this in three parts: not being passive, willingness to change, and dealing with resistance.

All of this takes real courage…to go against the grain…to know and believe that you are not a statistic, not a number, but a unique individual. Yes, it is easier to remain passive; to do what the doctor tells you to do; to be the good girl or boy. Sure, everyone resists change. Yes, it takes great courage to question your doctor or not worry what others think of your decisions.
Those who achieve radical remissions refuse to believe in the statistics. The patient who takes healing into their own hands, often will find resistance from the medical community.
Courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is facing the fear and moving forward in spite of it. We either react out of fear or we respond out of love. I’m talking about self love and self preservation. What is the most loving choice you can make for your unique body?
Dr. Turner describes Shin, a Japanese gentlemen who was sent home to die after doing surgery, radiation and chemotherapy for his renal cell carcinoma. He then started to take control of his own healing. First, he followed his sense of smell and realized his tap water was making him ill.
He did simple solutions. He consumed only clean water, he learned to breathe deeply, he fasted and employed high dose IV nutrition so his digestive organs could heal. He practiced and experienced gratitude. He faced his fear of dying and replaced it with immense gratitude for each day he was able to breathe. Shin discovered how to open up his chakras (energy centers) in his body. He rediscovered his love for music. He practiced deep healing breathwork and immersed his body in oxygen and exhaled toxic waste.
Shin did just the opposite of conventional medicine. Instead of declaring war on his body, he sent love to his tumors. He realized that his lifestyle and toxicity played a role in his cancer development and he chose to treat his body like a wounded child. He felt that this was his baby that he created and needed to nurture and heal. To his pain he said,
“Thank you very much for saying you are hurting. I love you, my child.” I touched this (points to his kidney) and said to my cancer, “I love you, I love you, I love you.” And pain decreased! That’s why I sent love to my cancer always, from morning till night…Unconditional love, that’s unconditional love. I said (to it). “Thank you very much for existing.”
Shin has been full of love and cancer free since 1988.
Success trumps statistics…every time!
Carpe Diem. With Love & Gratitude,
Lisa Jackson