Our Politicians are Selling out our Health. Please take Action!
July 4, 2016
Lisa Jackson
I woke up at 4am this morning, compelled to write this blogpost. While we are enjoying our barbecue and the beach this weekend, our elected officials, on both sides, are selling us out. Our basic right to know what is in our food is about to be denied to American citizens.
How free are we really, when the government, paid for by our biggest herbicide and pesticide companies, creates laws that interfere with what 98% of the population have asked for…the right to label GMO’s in our food. It’s bad enough, that we are the only country in the world that allowed GMO’s in our food chain in the first place, and that we lead the world in creating chronic illness, but now to put in a law that will continue to keep us ignorant is impossible to imagine in a society based on freedom of speech. What are they hiding? What is it they do not want us to know?
What exactly is a GMO? It stands for Genetically Modified Organism; scientists have crossed a bacteria with a plant or an animal in their DNA. This is something that you would never find in nature. This is not what we’ve done for thousands of years, this is not selective breeding, this is an unnatural act that has only benefited the chemical, pesticide and pharmaceutical companies of the United States of America, to the peril of our health. This threat goes beyond the US and threatens world wide populations of fish and wildlife as well as human health.
Since my daughter’s cancer diagnosis, I have spent thousands of dollars and the last 5 years educating myself on the root causes of cancer, chronic illness and autoimmune disease. I asked myself, how could this be, that I have witnessed such a rise and pandemic of chronic dis-ease in my lifetime? In just 35 years since graduating from nursing school. Why are we seeing such a rise in both autoimmune disease and food sensitivities? Let me explain.
Our immune system, our protective police force, (think about the border patrol), lines our gastrointestinal tract. It is designed to protect us from foreign invaders like bacteria, viruses and toxic chemicals like mercury, lead and arsenic. As I wrote in my book, Savvy Secrets: Eat, Think & Thrive, a healthy gastrointestinal tract will safely eliminate even the most toxic elements from the human body.
What happens when we inject bacteria into the DNA of the plant and animal that we consume? You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to guess that our immune system identifies this as a foreign body or an invader and starts to react. This creates an inflammatory response and antibodies that can turn into an autoimmune disease when these antibodies start attacking our own tissues. Our internal police force over reacts and starts shooting innocent bystanders…ourselves. But have no fear, the pharmaceutical companies are standing by with plenty of drugs that quiet our police system, without really addressing the root cause of the problem (Our food!). In my opinion, these drugs have a purpose, they calm the immune system, but without addressing the root cause, we continue our abuse until we have multiple autoimmune issues, requiring more drugs and a vicious cycle ensues. It keeps us chronically ill and in the dark.
Much like the Dark Act that is about to be passed by Congress unless you act NOW.. I implore you to please pass this blogpost to everyone you love (and everyone you know who has been diagnosed with a chronic illness, which BTW is more than 50% of the American population!) CALL your representative today and tomorrow and tell them you are against this bipartisan effort to keep us sick and ignorant. Call and ask NOT to support Senator Pat Roberts (R) & Debbie Stabenow (D) bill 888-897-0174, it’s easy and only takes a minute, they will connect you to your representative.
How do we keep America great again? Only healthy individuals can create healthy companies and communities. Please make a commitment to bring light into the darkness today and let freedom ring!

If you doubt what I am saying; watch this entertaining and well done documentary exploring the safety of GMO’s; click HERE for GMO OMG Documentary Movie or at least spend 5 minutes and see this link for Myths & Truths. Why is it that the European Union and other developed countries have banned GMO’s but not America? Why is it my clients can eat whatever they want in Europe but get sick on the SAD, Standard American Diet? Why is it that nutrition is still not taught in medical or nursing schools? Could this be the missing link to our dis-ease? We spend more money than the next 15 countries combined for healthcare yet lead the world for obesity and chronic disease. This is not sustainable. Having the right to know what is in our food is a basic freedom that must not be denied in a free nation.
Please take action, Carpe Diem, seize the day, call your Congressman and pass along this post.
With Love & Gratitude,