Olympic Thoughts.
February 11, 2018
Lisa Jackson
Fundamentally what do you believe? Watching the 2018 Winter Olympic athlete makes me believe that anything is possible. They are passionate, they believe in themselves, their common message is don’t ever give up. The USA silver medalist Chris Mazdzer exclaimed he was in a good place mentally, physically and emotionally. He had been through tough times and felt confident to do his best. He had the love and support of family and friends, no matter the outcome. He believed in his own abilities.
So, as the author of the Healing From Within Blogpost, I must ask:
“Do you believe in your own innate ability to heal from within? If you cut your finger, will it eventually heal on its own?”
What are your beliefs? Do you believe the multi-million-dollar advertising campaigns that dis-ease is the absence of a synthetic chemical that your body is lacking? Do you believe the television and radio ads that you will be happier and healthier drinking coca cola and eating artificially manufactured chips, and if you get heartburn, no worries, just take the latest pharmaceutical drug for the latest ICD 10 diagnosis code GERD for gastrointestinal esophageal reflux disorder?! Do you believe in your man-made diagnosis?
OR do you believe the message from the latest Functional Forum/Evolution of Medicine Conference in the UK where the message from the Medical Doctors was,
“The Doctor of the Future, is the Patient.”
You can believe in your innate ability to heal from within.
You can stay paralyzed in fear and believe the naysayers, or you can rise to discover newfound inner strength and wisdom.
To discover Olympic Thoughts.
Instead, these athletes inspire us. They demonstrate the power of consistent, holistic, dedication to their goal; touching all areas of their lives. Consistency, commitment, perseverance, even when the first US Gold Medalist 17-year-old Gerard admits that he didn’t feel like getting out of bed this morning. Food for Olympic Thoughts…