November 1st as the New Year

November 4, 2018

Lisa Jackson

The nights are getting longer. This is good news. All seeds begin in darkness. Often our darkest moments create the seed of innovation. Everything in nature points to this. Human beings take 9 months of incubation before birth. My husband and I were driving home last night and noticed all the deer.  I reminded him that this was mating season and that mammals mate and incubate and hibernate during the winter months.

Dr Eben Alexander, MD and Harvard Professor, discusses his coma and Near Death Experience as feeling like he was in a “murky muddy underground.”  He then saw a bright light and a being that said, “You are not here to stay, we will teach you many things, you have eternal love and nothing to fear.”  He goes further to say that the world is about to go through a global conscious awakening and will experience peace like we have never known. 
How beautiful is this? How different is this to the news we are receiving today? Dr Alexander survived a coma for 7 days which is unheard of in conventional medicine. He is an example of the power of the human being. 
Our modern culture does not honor this incubation period. We judge ourselves on how much we can accomplish each day. We can easily dismiss the importance of sleep, rest and just being. We forget that we are human beings, not human doings. 
The earth based traditions believed that November 1st was the New Year.  That now is the time to save and cultivate seeds. Now is the time to plant your seeds for what you want to begin to germinate in the Spring.
Can you take the extra hour and perhaps meditate on what it is you would like to sprout in the next 6 months? 
Food for thought. Carpe Diem

November 1st as the New Year

November 4, 2018

Lisa Jackson

The nights are getting longer. This is good news. All seeds begin in darkness. Often our darkest moments create the seed of innovation. Everything in nature points to this. Human beings take 9 months of incubation before birth. My husband and I were driving home last night and noticed all the deer.  I reminded him that this was mating season and that mammals mate and incubate and hibernate during the winter months.

Dr Eben Alexander, MD and Harvard Professor, discusses his coma and Near Death Experience as feeling like he was in a “murky muddy underground.”  He then saw a bright light and a being that said, “You are not here to stay, we will teach you many things, you have eternal love and nothing to fear.”  He goes further to say that the world is about to go through a global conscious awakening and will experience peace like we have never known. 
How beautiful is this? How different is this to the news we are receiving today? Dr Alexander survived a coma for 7 days which is unheard of in conventional medicine. He is an example of the power of the human being. 
Our modern culture does not honor this incubation period. We judge ourselves on how much we can accomplish each day. We can easily dismiss the importance of sleep, rest and just being. We forget that we are human beings, not human doings. 
The earth based traditions believed that November 1st was the New Year.  That now is the time to save and cultivate seeds. Now is the time to plant your seeds for what you want to begin to germinate in the Spring.
Can you take the extra hour and perhaps meditate on what it is you would like to sprout in the next 6 months? 
Food for thought. Carpe Diem