My Mother: A real inspiration

August 15, 2021

Lisa Jackson


Earlier this summer I wrote about my Mother, who is a true inspiration and proof that you are never too old or too sick to heal. She was able to release a total of 65 pounds and the need for 6 of her medications!

She has also been able to sustain her new diet and supplementation on her own and is back in her apartment living independently. She walks daily with neighbors and is even now going to the gym to work out! The power of diet, lifestyle, and supplementation!

What I didn’t mention was the miraculous turnaround in our relationship.

When my mother was depressed, in pain, and immobile, she felt powerless. She would comment on everything (seemingly) wrong. Even though I was doing my best, I felt criticized and stressed. She particularly commented on how hard I work and my high-stress level, adding even more stress.

Finally, my husband came to the rescue. He reminded me of an old Dale Carnegie tactic. 

I told my Mother that I was indeed stressed and her criticism wasn’t helping me. Life felt tough enough. I told my Mother we were going to get her a watch that had the letter C on it. 

“Why the letter C?” she asked.

To remind you not to criticize, condemn or complain. 

The next time Mom made a critical comment, I pointed to my watch and said that sounded to me like criticism.

Mom replied, “Are you feeling critical of yourself?” I said, “ No, but that felt like a criticism.”

We were able to talk about this and I was able to return to warm loving thoughts about my Mom. I was also able to regain my love, compassion, and empathy for her as she was recovering. 

Two points I would like to make.

One is the importance of addressing the elephant in the room directly, instead of falling into negative or passive-aggressive behaviors. 

Second, is that when we feel disempowered we become more critical. When Mom first came to our house she was disempowered.  I did everything for her. She could barely walk. 

Soon after feeding her nutrient-dense food and supplements, we hired a physical therapist and encouraged Mom to walk, move, and to become as independent as possible. 

Each small success begets more success and Mom began to have more strength and energy and felt more empowered. This also greatly improved her mood. 

When we feel stuck in negative thoughts or hopelessness, we are often disempowered.

Taking small simple steps and the right action can be empowering.

What small simple step will you do today to take charge and to feel empowered?

I’m working on a free program for stress resiliency. I am actually calling it the 5# weight loss challenge, but it is about creating stress resiliency, versus focusing on diet and exercise. Are you interested? What is keeping you stuck?

If this is helpful, please feel free to share with others.

Carpe Diem.

With Love & Gratitude,

Lisa Jackson