I really hate to shop…unless it’s Black Friday with my daughters. We started a holiday ritual many years ago to go holiday shopping on Friday after Thanksgiving. Before there was a Black Friday. We got up at o dark 100 hour and drove to New York City and back in a day. Yes, we are the crazy shoppers who would wake up at 4am to be first in line at the outlets at 6am in Boston.
This year I want calm. This year I want peace. There is no need to drive our adrenals to the ground over the holiday season. We now have Cyber Monday!
So here is my pics for my favorite things that I can offer you from my home and/or website:
How to look and feel your best at any age?
Use non-toxic skin care and deodorant that really works
HealthFood for the Skin :
Free Shipping on orders over $50.00
Here’s my custom Chakra Mala Beads that I had designed and handmade for you by a beautiful custom jeweler in Laguna Beach, CA:

Amethyst is a quartz crystal said to increase spirituality, enhance intuition, promote peacefulness, happiness and contentment. It is also said to bring emotional stability and inner strength.
Lapis is said to open up and calm the mind, clear the chakras and stimulate dreams. It’s a universal symbol for wisdom and truth.Adventurineis associated with the heart chakra, said to bring wealth and abundance, to relieve anxiety and to help with sleep. Good for entrepreneurs and leaders.
How about an Eco Friendly Custom Yoga Mat? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve left and lost yoga mats at studios. This one can’t be confused with someone else’s and it has great lines to use in your yoga practice:

Would you like more energy, peace and joy and less stress?
Would you like to find your optimal health and weight?
Do you give so much of yourself to your family, friends, and career that you forget that your most important relationship is with YOU?
I help men & women look and feel their best at any age.
Are you confused about what’s healthy and not? Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? It doesn’t have to be this way! Make the same investment in yourself that you make in others. Self Care is Self Love and Self Preservation.
Subscribe to my premium 6 month program and experience my
Seven Steps to Optimal Health where you will achieve:
Personal Benefits
Optimal health at any age. Look & feel your best with more energy & vitality
Meet your goals. Go from overwhelmed to empowered. Learn to heal from within.
Create your personal roadmap. Discover your passion and purpose.
Discover & adopt lifelong healthy habits and lifestyles. Practice not perfection.
Experience Increased energy, passion and joy. See how success begets success
Empower self and others. When others see your change, they will be open to learning from you. Make a difference in your family and work life
There are limited slots available. Schedule a discovery call now to see if we are a good fit .
*Included are books, recipes, journal, food shopping tour, pantry assessment, assessment of food sensitivities, obesogens, endocrine disruptors, toxins, yoga and meditation, unlimited email and hands on cooking demonstration, discounts to workshops
INTRO TO GIFT OF HEALTH for you or a loved one:
Health & Wellness Assessment
Savvy Secrets Book
Workbook & Recipes
Gift Certificate for Super Foods Cooking Class
$75 per person (2 person minimum)
Private Carpe Diem Dance or Vinyasa Yoga class $150 90 -min
Book Now your January Kick Start to Wellness Program
21 Day online group program $227
Winter VIP Day
Play Dance Dream Feel
Juice & Smoothies, Gourmet Lunch, Yoga Dance, Vision Board,
Customized Weekend Warrior Wellness Discussion $495
Happy Shopping!
With Love & Gratitude,
About Lisa Jackson, RN, CHC, RYT-500
Lisa is an author, inspirational speaker and coach with a mission to inspire others to feel and look their best at any age.
She is also the Executive Director of the Integrative Wellness Program for the Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders. Lisa’s book, Savvy Secrets: Eat, Think and Thrive outlines her seven step process towards optimal health that is fun and transformational.
Lisa is part of the New Self Health Movement and the Wellness Inspired Network. When she is not coaching, speaking or writing, you can find her practicing yoga and joyfully sharing Carpe Diem Dance.