May I Toot My Own Horn?
January 25, 2023
Lisa Jackson
May I toot my own horn?
My husband and I are returning from our second honeymoon. It was so much better than the first one. In fact, I barely remember the first one other than at one point, I asked on the shuttle to my embarrassment, “is this today or tomorrow?” I had had too much to drink on the booze cruise.
And it reminded me how much change is possible, even as we age (and sometimes feel set in our ways!)
This time, we spent a luxurious 14 days exploring 3 islands in Hawaii. Every day was filled with memory-worthy activities:
1. We took surfing lessons.
2. We took a helicopter ride around Kauai and landed in the canyon where the only access was via helicopter.
3. We took a guided raft trip for eye-level whale watching off of Maui and witnessed mother and baby whales, as well as a heat run with male whales competing for Mom’s attention.
4. We snorkeled with giant sea turtles and fish.
5. We took a sunset cruise around Kauai and witnessed schools of spinner dolphins racing along the boat as well as 3 male humpback whales breaching (propelling themselves out of the water) in another heat run to reproduce before the trip back to Alaska.
6. We hiked and swam under waterfalls.
7. In Maui, we drove the road to Hana and beyond to find a waterfall where we could swim.
8. We hiked to see dramatic sunsets.
9. We reconnected with old friends in Oahu.
10. We did stand up paddle boarding.
11. We spent a day at Pearl Harbor and were reminded of the brave men who fought for our freedoms. We read letters to loved ones from Kamikaze Japanese soldiers, making us realize how we are all human with the capacity for both love and evil.
12. Every day we moved. In addition to the above excursions:
- 1. We did water aerobics
- 2. Yoga classes on the beach
- 3. Took hula and Polynesian dance classes
- 4. Took a pickleball lesson
- 5. We walked or hiked every day.
- 6. We rode bikes
- 7. We danced together in our room before bed.
- 8. We reminded each other why we married each other.

I marvel at not only what we did, but how great it felt to exceed our exercise goals every day now that we are in our 60s. We actually did so much more than our first honeymoon and are in better shape than ever.
Turns out you can teach a couple of old dogs new tricks.
Don’t let age or old habits keep you stuck. Change is possible.
All health begins in the gut. Diet and lifestyle matter. I dramatically changed mine in my 40s and 50s and it has made all the difference to how I look and feel and I am able to move with ease today. It has made all the difference in how I was able to ENJOY my honeymoon more NOW in my 60s than before in my 40s.
It is not too late to look and feel your best.
It is not too late to have the energy to live your life to the fullest.
It is not too late to have the relationship with yourself that you want.
Join us to Live Younger Longer.
On Friday, February 3rd at noon ET, I will discuss WHY this program is vital and HOW it will be transformative for you. Please click on this link to register for this FREE Informative Call.
As my client and friend Leslie said after completing the program, “This year will be the first time that my New Year’s Resolution will not be to lose weight and heal my gut. Instead, I will focus on my bucket list, like bungee jumping and going to Tuscany!”
Carpe Diem. We only have this day to live life to its fullest.
Lisa Jackson