Is Friday the 13th your lucky Day? Last day to get Holiday Discounts
December 13, 2019
Lisa Jackson
My daughter Margo has always been somewhat of a renegade…the challenger. If we want personal transformation, we need a challenger. So it is fitting that Friday the 13th would be her favorite day. Her lucky day. She will challenge the odds. If you want to take the quantum leap in your personal or professional life, then you have to challenge the odds.
I’m in Mexico on vacation with my husband. (I know who takes vacation right before the busiest time of the year?!) Who takes vacation right before I’m about to launch my quantum leap into a new platform and offering for you? Well, sometimes you have to take a break before you make the leap. Sometimes that break can be messy, we forget things, we fall down, we have setbacks that delay our execution. But face it, that’s how we learn. We learn from our mistakes, our failures and our setbacks. I just finished rereading a book called, You2, A High Velocity Formula for Multiplying your Personal Effectiveness in Quantum Leaps. It’s a great reminder for me how our vision
and our actions determine our destiny. The most powerful thing we have is choice. How we exercise that choice in the 1404 minutes we have each day will either move us toward greater ease or dis-ease.
We are at an all inclusive resort. I can choose the fresh vegetables and fruit here or plenty of sugar and alcohol. I can choose to fry my skin or use a sunscreen and skin care that will not damage myself or the environment. I can choose to relax and read or beat myself up for the god-zillion little things on my to do list that I am not doing. I can choose ease or dis-ease.
Today Friday the 13th is the last day for a Flash Sale for safer beauty on Holiday Specials. I’m sorry, but I chose to keep this a secret until today, so if you are wanting to get 20% off you need to choose to act now! It will ship Monday which is the last day for ground shipping to arrive before Christmas.
Is Today your Lucky Day? What choices will you make today to ensure ease? Would love to hear from you.
Carpe Diem,