Happy Saturday and Weekend Replay; Get Real Masterclass Week 2
May 6, 2017
Lisa Jackson
Consequently, I was only able to listen to Robin Shirley’s interview which was excellent. Here’s a few points I’d like to share from her interview titled Health is a Journey:
Robin talks about her seventeen year journey to heal from juvenile arthritis. At a very young age, she qualified for disability, but instead chose a journey of diet and lifestyle changes. What at first felt like a life of deprivation, became a life worth living; filled with joy and meaning. Robin stresses the importance of making small changes until they become easy and enjoyable habits. Then move on to the next change or challenge. It is easy, and natural to have periods of feeling overwhelmed. Robin compares this to the four seasons, we have periods of feeling energetic and well mentally, physically and emotionally (in the spring and summer); followed by times of needing to rest and repair (winter hibernation). We need to honor these natural cycles in the body. Women also have 30 day cycles. We all have a 24 hour cycle where we need to balance activity with rest. ( See my Seven Ways to Seize the Day where I write about the importance of sleep in the healing process.)
Although important, Robin needed to do more than just make dietary changes. What accelerated her healing was looking for hidden simmering infections in the gut microbiome. These may include viruses, bacteria, parasites or dysbiosis (an imbalance in microbes.) Heavy metal and environmental toxicity are also common hidden stressors. Virtually all tap water is contaminated with lead from leaded gasoline. Lead is transported via the air and then deposited via rain in our water tables.
As a Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist, I feel it’s important to emphasize a few things. Robin discussed protocols to get rid of parasites, bacteria and viruses. It is important to have someone guide you with a personalized plan for what your unique body needs. Use functional testing to pinpoint exactly what is in the microbiome, and then the correct protocol, versus just searching the internet.
The same goes for chelation for heavy metal toxicity. I’ve been off the charts for both lead and mercury. Symptoms of heavy metal toxicity can range from hypertension to anxiety and brain fog. It is easy to create a healing crisis if you are not careful. I’ve dealt with this for several years. It is important to address intestinal permeability first; otherwise you release toxins that can re-circulate back into the body, instead of safely removing them. Heavy metals are a primary source of intestinal permeability. Chelation and the detoxification process itself, can also create intestinal permeability. It can become a vicious cycle. So it’s important to detoxify from a place of strength and then to go low and slow. This may take several months or even several years.
The important thing is to not get too discouraged and to know that this is a journey. It doesn’t have to be painful, nor complicated. What it does require is a commitment to self. Per my Seven Steps to Optimal Health, “Celebrate each small step.”
I know it can be a challenge to set aside time each day so we wanted to let you play catch up this weekend. Please use the links below to access the audio interviews and FREE gifts from our special experts!
Cheers to a weekend of fun, learning and self-care! We’d love to know your favorite interview from Week 2 and why, so drop us a line…
Laura & Lisa

Lisa is an author, inspirational speaker and a coach with a mission to inspire others to feel and look their best at any age.
She is the former Executive Director of the Integrative Wellness Program for the Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders.
Lisa’s book, Savvy Secrets: Eat, Think and Thrive outlines her seven-step process towards optimal health that is fun and transformational.
Lisa is part of the New Self Health Movement and the Wellness Inspired Network. When she is not coaching, speaking or writing, you can find her practicing yoga and joyfully sharing Carpe Diem Dance.
Happy Saturday and Weekend Replay; Get Real Masterclass Week 2
May 6, 2017
Lisa Jackson
Consequently, I was only able to listen to Robin Shirley’s interview which was excellent. Here’s a few points I’d like to share from her interview titled Health is a Journey:
Robin talks about her seventeen year journey to heal from juvenile arthritis. At a very young age, she qualified for disability, but instead chose a journey of diet and lifestyle changes. What at first felt like a life of deprivation, became a life worth living; filled with joy and meaning. Robin stresses the importance of making small changes until they become easy and enjoyable habits. Then move on to the next change or challenge. It is easy, and natural to have periods of feeling overwhelmed. Robin compares this to the four seasons, we have periods of feeling energetic and well mentally, physically and emotionally (in the spring and summer); followed by times of needing to rest and repair (winter hibernation). We need to honor these natural cycles in the body. Women also have 30 day cycles. We all have a 24 hour cycle where we need to balance activity with rest. ( See my Seven Ways to Seize the Day where I write about the importance of sleep in the healing process.)
Although important, Robin needed to do more than just make dietary changes. What accelerated her healing was looking for hidden simmering infections in the gut microbiome. These may include viruses, bacteria, parasites or dysbiosis (an imbalance in microbes.) Heavy metal and environmental toxicity are also common hidden stressors. Virtually all tap water is contaminated with lead from leaded gasoline. Lead is transported via the air and then deposited via rain in our water tables.
As a Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist, I feel it’s important to emphasize a few things. Robin discussed protocols to get rid of parasites, bacteria and viruses. It is important to have someone guide you with a personalized plan for what your unique body needs. Use functional testing to pinpoint exactly what is in the microbiome, and then the correct protocol, versus just searching the internet.
The same goes for chelation for heavy metal toxicity. I’ve been off the charts for both lead and mercury. Symptoms of heavy metal toxicity can range from hypertension to anxiety and brain fog. It is easy to create a healing crisis if you are not careful. I’ve dealt with this for several years. It is important to address intestinal permeability first; otherwise you release toxins that can re-circulate back into the body, instead of safely removing them. Heavy metals are a primary source of intestinal permeability. Chelation and the detoxification process itself, can also create intestinal permeability. It can become a vicious cycle. So it’s important to detoxify from a place of strength and then to go low and slow. This may take several months or even several years.
The important thing is to not get too discouraged and to know that this is a journey. It doesn’t have to be painful, nor complicated. What it does require is a commitment to self. Per my Seven Steps to Optimal Health, “Celebrate each small step.”
I know it can be a challenge to set aside time each day so we wanted to let you play catch up this weekend. Please use the links below to access the audio interviews and FREE gifts from our special experts!
Cheers to a weekend of fun, learning and self-care! We’d love to know your favorite interview from Week 2 and why, so drop us a line…
Laura & Lisa

Lisa is an author, inspirational speaker and a coach with a mission to inspire others to feel and look their best at any age.
She is the former Executive Director of the Integrative Wellness Program for the Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders.
Lisa’s book, Savvy Secrets: Eat, Think and Thrive outlines her seven-step process towards optimal health that is fun and transformational.
Lisa is part of the New Self Health Movement and the Wellness Inspired Network. When she is not coaching, speaking or writing, you can find her practicing yoga and joyfully sharing Carpe Diem Dance.