Happy Samhain (Soween) Halloween

October 31, 2021

Lisa Jackson


Did you know that this holiday originated as one of faith, not fear? Celebrated by Celts, Egyptians, and Mexicans as “The Day of the Dead”, Samhain was a Celtic religious holiday that believed that the veil is the thinnest between the living and the dead. Families would gather to celebrate and connect with those that have passed on. This also marks the end of summer and, for many (including witches), the New Year. 

To me, Halloween is a time to play and have fun. It’s an excuse to dress up and explore all aspects of ourselves, including the good, the bad, and the ugly. One of my favorite ways to do this is through movement to music, my yoga dance. 

My treat to you is this free yoga dance class below that you can practice alone or with friends.  It may provide some food for thought as well as some fun and exercise too. 

Carpe Diem and click below to come practice with me in your own living space.

With Love & Gratitude,

Lisa Jackson