Grow Hope
March 25, 2018
Lisa Jackson
I continue to be graced with awe and hope. Last night I was at a women’s Goddess Gathering hosted by my good friend Rosalie Grazzini where she shared wisdom from her recent trip to the Himalayan Institute. She shared,
The main sources of motivation are “Power, Pleasure, and Survival” all constitutes of the mind.
In order to hear the healing motivations from the heart and soul, we have to quiet the mind and find a tranquil state. “The voice of the Divine, comes to us in a whisper.” The tools of yoga and meditation, allow us time and space to hear this inner voice of wisdom.
Most of us spend so much time consumed with seeking personal power, pleasure and survival that we are disconnected from this powerful source of healing energy.
This week I sat down with Deanna Won who shared her journey from being a hospice patient with 1 month to live, to being a vibrant healthy and sought after speaker and health coach. When she was in her deepest moment, she prayed and then listened. She heard, “Ask to see the cytology report”. She didn’t even know what a cytology report was. This wisdom, ended up giving her an opportunity to save her life.
Dr. Eben Alexander, a highly trained neurosurgeon explained his own experience of meeting the Divine when he was in a coma. He explained it as feeling like he was stuck deep in the mud and then seeing and following the light.
This is similar to a baby in the womb, or the seed for this beautiful daffodil, and the lotus flower. All need time to incubate. All of us have the seed within us to become the full expression of ourselves.
This can be the gift of disease. This can be a wake up call and an opportunity to slow down. Like a snow day. A totally unexpectant deep wet blanket reminding us of the power of nature. One of my clients said, “Snow days make me feel like I’m in a safe cocoon.”
We have a choice every minute of every day on how we not only spend our time, but how we react to the stressors presented.
Deanna also shared with me how, as a scientist, she looked at her diagnosis with curiosity. Why did she contract ovarian cancer? This is so important for two major reasons. First, it turns fear into curiosity. Fear keeps us stuck in “fight or flight” the sympathetic nervous system which is counterproductive to healing.
Second, it allows you to be the witness (and realize that you are not just your physical body) and to take personal responsibility for your healing. This is empowering!
How do you get to this point? Here’s a three part strategy:
- Take time everyday for simple movement to music. Breathe and move into any areas of tension felt in the body. Emotions are just energy in motion and easily get stuck in the body. Do you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders? Could this contribute to your headaches or digestive issues? Get in touch with the deep wisdom within your body. Start with your feet and work your way up.
- After you’ve removed physical tension, sit quietly and develop a relationship with self. Start with a simple 5 minute meditation focusing on the breath. You may want to download a 20 minute guided meditation.
- For 3 days, spend 20 minutes writing a narrative journal written in the third person. Describe the beginning of the dis-ease, the middle and the end. This is important for you to write, commit and visualize where you want to go. Otherwise, it’s too easy to stay stuck in the mud. As an example, I might write about life for Lisa before hypertension and autoimmune disease, what it’s like in the middle of the scariest times where Lisa realizes how close to a stroke or heart attack she was and what that would mean, then committing to and prioritizing self, and how Lisa becomes a stronger, healthier version.
About Lisa Jackson, RN, CHC, RYT-500, AFMC