Fear Vs. Faith

September 16, 2020

Lisa Jackson


These are tumultuous times. We are afraid of germs, viruses, and each other. We are afraid for our lives, our finances, and our futures.

Fear can be motivating or it can be incapacitating.

The body follows the mind and the mind follows the breath. For every scenario in our lives, for each moment, we have a choice. The choice is: how do we view and react to our stressors? Are we holding our breath in fear, or are we responding out of faith?

We can take the victim role or we can take the creator role. The victim role asks questions like, “Why me? Why is this happening to me?” This is based on fear. (FEAR, meaning False Evidence Appearing Real). Fear that we have no control and we are therefore powerless victims.

The creator asks questions like, “Why is this happening?” “Why is this happening for me?” and “What do I need to be or do differently?This is based on FAITH. This view is empowering. The creator decides she no longer likes the upside-down triangle and CHOOSES to think and act differently. This choice is energizing and productive. This is the power of the coaching model.

We only need to look at our emotions to see where we are on this continuum. Are we stuck in an upside-down triangle based on fears? Or are we focused on where we want to go?

Are you focused on what’s wrong with you or the world we live in? Or are you focused on how you want to feel and the future you want to create?

There are infinite things to be fearful about. There are also infinite possibilities for solutions. When we are in fear mode, we can feel like we are under a deep dark cloud, blind to options. Focusing on solutions is like shining a light into the possibilities.

One of my beautiful clients said something to me this week that made my heart sing. She said, “I’m open for the adventure. Who knows what life will bring me next?

One of my mentors, Tracy Harrison, the founder of the School for Applied Functional Medicine, told me a story of when she lost her phone and wallet as she landed in New York City for a business meeting. Instead of panicking (as many would), she chuckled to herself thinking, “Hmmmm, what is the universe bringing to me today?” It’s easier to look for solutions and possibilities when we are open to them. It’s easier when we are not panicked. Often, as in Tracy’s case, we discover just how loving, giving, and generous the universe can be.

Are you ready for the adventure of your life or are you ready for the tsunami? Will you ride the waves or will you let them crash over you? It takes faith and courage to face your fears and become the creator.

How will you spend your precious thoughts and actions? Will you be the victim or will you spend time contemplating on what you might create for yourself or others?