Do you want to be Slim & Sexy into your 60’s?

September 24, 2022

Lisa Jackson


It was so much fun speaking last Monday night to my first live group since before the pandemic!

Here’s the cliff notes:

1. I shared the statistic that only 1% of the population have the basic habits required to be healthy and happy and to stay that way…EEK!

2. We talked about the importance of the community in supporting sustainable change. We are all intelligent women. If we could have met our health goals alone, we would have done it already. We are social beings and are not meant to do everything ourselves. Even though we are Super Women, the community is our Super Power!

3. We discussed the importance of coaching to get us over the inevitable pitfalls.

4. The power of food as medicine. You become what you eat, think and the actions you take today will determine who you become. How do you want to feel 3 months from now?

5. We did a guided meditation to take the first of my 7 Steps to Optimal Health, which was to take an honest personal assessment.

6. Small Simple Solutions yields big sustainable results. The tortoise wins the race.

7. Optimal Health is Not Complicated. Maximize, Minimize and Prioritize



8. Last but not least, we spoke about how prioritizing self-care is the most loving thing you can do for your family, friends and community.

There was such excitement about building a healthy community. This was a group of leaders in the community doing charity work. I love to work with leaders because I know the positive ripple effect on the community.

If you are ready for a reset and want to feel and look your best before the holidays, then join us Live Young with Lisa online Reset Program.  Do this for you, do this for your family and loved ones, and do this for your community. You are Worth It!

Join us Now 


The world needs you to be at your best now. We need to change the norm. Come discover how good you can really really feel in just 90 days!

We also talked about the importance of finding the right diet for you as well as stress resiliency. If you would like more information or for me to share this information with you, then jump on a free live call with me next week Monday at 5pm here

With Love & Gratitude,

Lisa Jackson