Are you Ready?

January 3, 2016

Lisa Jackson


Are you Ready?

This New Year’s Eve, I asked the family to write a wish or intention for our soon to be newest family member, the first awaiting grandchild for our family.

Here’s what I wrote for my Grandson:

“I wish that you always love your beautiful perfect body. I wish that you treat your body like your temple. That you learn and practice self care and self love so well that you become a light and a beacon to all those around you.  I wish that you utilize this strong positive life force to create positive change in the world. “ (May the force be with you!)

Then I realized how hard this is for me to follow through.  With so much negativity in the world and so many distractions, how do we prioritize self-care and give ourselves the gift of self-love?

We practice.


And we commit…to ourselves and to someone else…Out Loud. We find an accountability buddy and we accept personal responsibility for where we are at this moment in a very loving way.

I want to do something very different this year.

For me.

Why? Because my life depends on it.  I want to prioritize self-care and self-love.

This is my gift to me, to my family, and my community.

I am going to take my Kick Start Program and create a new program called Conscious Care.

If you are not 100% happy with who you are today and where you are in your health goals then I invite you to join me.

Together, we will take what I’ve created the last few years so you can co-create your own custom care plan.

I will share with you everything that I know, my Kick Start Workbook and Recipes and my Cultivating Joy program, all in one, and more.

All I ask for you is that you be present. That you show up once a week for an online support group and that you share. Give me your questions and concerns. Talk about your challenges and roadblocks and share your successes.  If you cannot make the call, no worries, email me your questions, share your progress, and listen to the recording.

Do you want to prevent cancer? Do you want to heal and repair? Then I invite you to join our community.

This takes courage and compassion. Together, we can create the change that we want to see in ourselves.

This sign sits on my desk:

16-01-03 Insanity

What is different about this program this year?

This is about conscious cooking and conscious self-care. This is about nourishment and self-love. Discovering what is yummy and rejuvenating. This is not about dieting or deprivation. When we are in tune with nature, which I believe is key to living with ease and grace, honor that now is the time our bodies want to either hibernate or go south for the winter.  If you live in DC or Detroit or anywhere north, this is a natural time for more rest, repair and relaxation. We will offer you a process to determine the right nutrition for you at this time.  

Every year we all have the best intentions:

16-01-03 Best Intentions

The two most common obstacles or roadblocks that most of us face are:

  1. We don’t know what we don’t know. (So many myths driven by marketing!)
  2. We know what to do but need help or support staying on track. (I call this the Superwoman and Superman complex).

16-01-03 superman&superwoman

After all, we were not meant to be on this earth alone. If we could have done this by ourselves, we would have done it already!

So what will we focus on? Three Simple Steps:

16-01-03 Maximize Minimize Prioritize

The body will naturally heal from within if we do these things consistently. Consistency is the challenge and this is where creating community for inspiration is so important. I am offering to teach that which I need to learn and practice myself, the art of self-love and self care. I am asking for your support and feedback as I share what I know with you and for you to share with me your goals, challenges and success. I have simplified recipes and offering more for those who have participated in the past and want additional support. Watch for upcoming dates.

Lisa is an author, inspirational speaker, retired RN, Certified Health Coach and Yoga Teacher. Her book, Savvy Secrets: Eat,Think & Thrive; Seven Steps to Optimal Health, is a self health book to enable healing from within. Her goal is to inspire wellness and to help others look and feel their best at any age. Lisa is part of the New Self Health Movement, the International Health Coach Association, and the Wellness Inspired Network. She is the mother of four adult children, soon to be Grandmother, and believes that optimal health should not be a secret! When she is not coaching, speaking and writing, you can find her practicing yoga and joyfully sharing Carpe Diem Dance at every opportunity.