Are you Aware?

October 15, 2022

Lisa Jackson


October is breast cancer awareness month.

Who isn’t aware of the fear around breast cancer? Why does the public health talk more about expensive and invasive treatments than prevention?

Like how certain foods, called aromatase inhibitors, can help balance hormones and lower the risk of breast cancer. Want to know which ones? Check out my Hormone Balancing Foods Chart.

Or did you know that watercress, parsley, and cilantro can help you chelate heavy metals and protect against mold mycotoxins? These are two hidden stressors that we can help reduce through the food we eat!

If you haven’t already, download my free cancer prevention guide, which you can find below:

Your skin is a giant mouth, eating up everything you put on your body. Make sure you are not slathering yourself with xenoestrogens, like parabens and phalates that are found in many shampoos, skincare products, makeup, and cleaning supplies.

This is why I like companies like Beauty Counter and Pure Haven.

Pure haven is 100% organic, made in the USA, and supports entrepreneurship, the backbone of America.

Beauty Counter lobbies Congress for better laws to take carcinogenic chemicals out of our cosmetics. Plus, their makeup is beautiful too.

Happy October. What you focus on is what you get. May you focus on health and well-being and the many ways to prevent and heal from even the scariest diagnoses.

If you want a guide and community support for a healthier diet and lifestyle, then click the link below to join us now!  As a special bonus you will get my new beautiful holiday recipe book. 

To Your Health,

Lisa Jackson