A Holistic Approach to Viruses

August 5, 2021

Lisa Jackson


No matter how sick, it can be helpful to focus on gratitude. What we focus on is what we get more of. If we focus on our dis-ease, we get more disease. I’m not saying to ignore the disease. Rather acknowledge it, and then focus on recovery. Focus on where you want to go. Focus on what you are grateful for.

Here are several things I am grateful for as I recover from Covid:

First of all, Dr Brownstein’s book on A Holistic Approach to Viruses includes his documented study of 107 of his patients this past year. I purchased this book and it became my guidebook. The nebulizing treatments made a big difference to my breathing.

My son Travis. He brought me smoothies and roasted vegetables and vitamin C when all I wanted to do was sleep.

My daughter, Dana, delivered epsom salts and Trader Joes’ Organic Green Juice (the one with only 4gm of sugar) and brought me her therapy dogs to stay with us.

Margo Kirzhner, Katie Horan, and my SAFM colleagues who supplied me with support and supplements (since, of course, I had given the vital ones away!)

Lindsey Frost Dowling and Dr. Evan Rabinowitz, whom Dana and Travis recruited when my pulse ox dropped. Lindsey supplied their magical herbs for tea to supplement my regimen.

Dr Mary Babcock and Artius Iintegrative for ozone and glutathione IV therapy.

My husband; because my life would not be the same without him. (Even though he picks terrible movies to watch!)

Most of all, I’m grateful for my clients understanding my need to sleep and reschedule and one very special client who brought me hydroxychloroquine from Mexico. This may have been the reason my husband’s symptoms didn’t progress as badly as mine. We started him on both ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine right away – along with vitamins A, D, Zinc and Vitamin C and iodine.

Lesson’s learned:

1. Address toxins and hidden stressors (like the mold in my furnace and office), that can weaken your immune system. It is easy to ignore these things…don’t!

2. If you don’t give your body what it needs, the symptoms will get louder until you are flat lined. I couldn’t keep my eyes open for the past week.

3. If you do fall ill, there are many paths to healing. Pay attention to symptoms early and get support from someone you trust.

Here’s to your health!

With Love & Gratitude,

Lisa Jackson