Give Love

February 14, 2015

Lisa Jackson


My daughters hate it when my blogs post a lot of questions; but these questions are important to answer especially on Valentine’s Day.

What’s the most loving thing you can do for you today?
The most loving thing that you can do for you and your loved ones is to think about one thing that you can do everyday on a consistent basis that brings you joy. Is it walking outside, time with your pet, movement to music or painting or jogging? Is it laughing or deep breathing? Is it connecting (in every way) to a spouse or significant other?

Do you want the juiciest, most passionate love affair of your life? Then you need to know what floats your boat, as Julia Roberts discovers in the Runaway Bride, what kind of eggs does she like? Instead of trying to fit others expectations, she had to discover what she really wanted. When you love your self and you love your life, then you exude energy, an irresistible spark…and that is what I call sexy!

Do you know what you need and want and do you feel worthy enough to ask for it? Can you be happy doing something just for yourself this weekend even if it doesn’t involve chocolate, red wine and prince charming? Is it time to rewrite the fairy tales so that Cinderella is empowered to attract her prince exactly how she is? We are all, like Cinderella, beautifully messy, worthy and perfectly imperfect. The truth is if we want unconditional love, it needs to start from within.

Last weekend I had the chance to practice unconditional love and being “beautifully messy” in a group breathwork workshop called breathing into change. We danced, we laughed, we cried, we journaled and we breathed deeply to release the issues that get stuck in our tissues.

What is one thing that I do that makes my heart sing?

It’s a combination of breathwork, mediation, yoga and movement to music. I call it Carpe Diem Dance and I’m going to be sharing this in a special workshop on March 7th at Beloved Yoga Studio in Reston with Lauren Chelec Chavitz. Come and nourish your mind, body and spirit. First we will move to music, then we will relax on our mats and discover the transformative power of deep breathwork and finish with time to journal, share, and sample some nourishing food. This is my gift to you. Save the date and register now for a discount here:

Want to see a sample and get happy today? Check this out! Most of all: GIVE LOVE!

Carpe Diem & Happy Valentines Day.
