Chemo & Radiation Versus Love & Gratitude

February 9, 2012

Lisa Jackson

Alternative Medicine|Fasting|Hodgkins Lymphoma|

Many are asking for more details on the last few weeks here so I thought I would start at the beginning.  Here is a journal entry I wrote a couple of weeks ago for Dana’s blog, The Thunder Stealer.

January 18, 2011

Chemo & Radiation versus Love & Gratitude

If I am Momma Bear, then Dana is the Courageous Warrior.  So courageous to be thinking about and pursuing out of the box cancer treatments. Dr Lodi reminded us yesterday that Dana does have one of the 2% of cancers that are “curable” with conventional medicine.  50%-85% survival rates after five years,… but at what cost?  Longterm effects of chemotherapy and radiation include risk of future leukemias, 30% higher risk of breast cancer, weakened heart, lung and thyroid from irradiation to the chest and neck areas, weakened immune system and more.  Which is worse then, the disease or the “cure”?  More importantly, conventional medicine does not address the cause of the cancer in the first place.  “Let’s use napalm to bomb the body and a nuclear bomb to kill those cancer cells and hope that the host still stands…”  In my heart and gut I couldn’t watch my beautiful talented daughter go through that.  This world lost her grandmother and an old boyfriend to that treatment for lymphoma and Hodgkins years ago using the exact same treatments.  True, we have better anti-emetics today to help with the nausea and vomiting, but we are using the exact same drugs and protocols developed in the 1970’s.  Let’s think about that folks for one nanosecond.  Think about the progress we have made in technology since the 1970’s and how radically different our communication has evolved from typewriters to pc’s and ipads. Yet cancer has grown dramatically.  One out of two men will develop cancer in his lifetime and one out of 2.5 women will be affected.  Why have we not won this “war on cancer”?  Perhaps we need to have a paradigm shift.  This is similar to the futility of the “war on drugs” and treatment is likely to be the same.

Nevertheless, Dr Lodi cannot “guarantee” success,  no one can really, except for Dana.  We are not fighting this war, we are surrendering.  We are learning to let go and let God.  Dana will need to let go of all of the myths of modern life.  Let go of the marketing mumbo jumbo we are bombarded with minute to minute.  We cannot drive our 30 minutes to the clinic everyday without passing McDonalds, Wendy’s and other convenient stores selling dead artificial foods that are sold to us as “Happy Meals”.  After all, don’t we “deserve a break today”?! 

Today we start on a juice fast (yes me too, as I am small part of the solidarity project and the surrogate for Hubby for a few weeks)  the juice fast gives the body and digestive system a break while Dana is also cleansing the toxins out of her system using multiple treatments that include colonics, far infrared sauna, and lymphatic drainage.  More than 70% of the lymphatic system is located in the gut to filter the daily toxins we consume, thus leaving little to fight infection, to combat cancer and to clear the body from the toxins of chemotherapy.  So we will be, in essence, re-directing the immune system to be working for us.  Did I mention the  study done that showed rats lived longer consuming the cardboard box than the processed cereals we are feeding our children?  Dana’s pancreas is enlarged, fortunately not from cancer cells but from overwork.  You see, when we eat cooked artificial food, our pancreas has to produce the digestive enzymes that have been killed by microwaves, pasteurization and food processing. These same enzymes, that nature provides us free of charge, are available to us in real raw food.  The juice fast not only rests the lymphatic system, it rests the pancreas and liver too.  During a fast, the body naturally protects other vital organs while allowing the body’s natural armies to find and fight disease. 

But diet is only a part of the treatment. Of essence is our mind, body, spirit relationship. 

Which leads me to the love and gratitude in the title of this blog. We saw a fascinating film yesterday titled, “Water, the Great Mystery”.  The movie enlightens us to all of the research done on water, from the making of the hydrogen bomb to work you may have seen showcased in the movie, The Secret.   Water changes its structure based on energy vibrations, and thoughts are powerful energy vibrations.  Thoughts of love produce beautiful crystal structures while anger, fear and hatred produce entirely different structures.  Our bodies are more than 70% water, our brains are 85% water.  Every action from thought to digestion to regeneration and procreation are electrical impulses affected by water and energy.   Water has structure like nerves that react to stimuli and water is capable of recording and storing information.  Water structure can be changed by thought.  This is why for generations, and in every culture, we have said prayers and blessings before meals.  This is the magic of holy water.  This is why, my very dear friend Gretchen Hogg says we should say “infinite love and gratitude” every day over our food and bodies to balance our energies.  This movie explains how the power of love, prayer and faith can change the structure of water and therefore provide God giving healing powers.

The most vital question is this, “why is it easier for us to accept chemo, radiation and surgery than love and gratitude as treatments for cancer”?  Why are we so programmed towards self abuse?  Must we self sacrifice everyday? Is it essential to have a “no pain, no gain” attitude or is it just the opposite?  Do we just need to Let go, Let God and Let Live? 

Why is it that we can all easily and readily discuss what is wrong in our lives, our world and ourselves yet we struggle to say what brings us joy and bliss?  Why do we have to be stoic and fear crying and showing emotion?  How does holding in our emotions contribute to our aching bones and dis-ease?  Why are we afraid to dance without alcohol?  Why do we need artificial stimulants to get us going in the morning and to be able to relax at night and go to sleep?  Why do we need certain clothes, cars or objects to feel complete? Why have we lost our God given innate ability to trust our own God given instincts and ability to heal ourselves? Why do we think that modern day science can improve upon Mother Nature?  Why do we relinquish our own power and authority to others by treating symptoms with chemicals that produce more symptoms and a need for more chemicals?  Why do we think that chemo, radiation and surgery are more effective than love and gratitude and why is self love the hardest task and yet the most essential task for modern man and woman to master? 

More to follow.

Namaste and Carpe Diem

Momma Bear